Our tax-exempt foundation
In 2015, the Wilmington Rotary Club created a tax-exempt foundation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Proceeds from the club's annual fund-raisers go to the foundation, as do voluntary donations from club members and others. Anyone who wants to contribute to projects benefiting the greater Wilmington community, with emphasis on health, education, clean water, community development and conflict resolution, is encouraged to contribute, too.
In some ways, the Rotary Club of Downtown Wilmington Foundation -- RCDW for short -- is nothing new. Our club has been raising money for good works for more than 100 years. But until the foundation was created, donors could not claim a tax deduction for their contributions. That's why we now direct all contributions for the club's programs to the RCDW Foundation.
Our local foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors that includes past presidents of the club. It works hand in glove with the club's leadership to fund worthy projects that the club's president, board of directors and members bring to it. RCDW Foundation also works in harmony with The Rotary Foundation, the world-wide financial arm of Rotary International. On many of our club's projects, funds raised locally through the RCDW Foundation are matched by District Grants or Global Grants, which come from The Rotary Foundation. For some recent examples, see Our Projects page.
How to give
Every year, the club holds one major fund-raiser to fill the RCDW Foundation's coffers. Starting in 2022, this has been the annual Leaders in Service awards program. Culminating in a gala evening every May, Leaders in Service relies on sponsorships from corporate and individual donors, supplemented by ticket sales. Every fall and winter, businesses are invited to become sponsors, and in the spring both Rotarians and the public are offered the chance to buy tickets to the awards banquet. Sponsorships include a number of tickets to the banquet, as well as publicity opportunities. Direct contributions to the foundation are also welcomed.
To help support The Wilmington Rotary Club's work in our community, send contributions to: